Dan Disney currently teaches in the English Literature Program at Sogang University, in Seoul. He is the editor of Exploring Second Language Creative Writing -- Beyond Babel (John Benjamins, 2014), and is completing a book of villanelles. Forthcoming books include Report from a border (co-devised with graphic artist John Warwicker), and Writing to the Wire (co-edited with Kit Kelen).

Notes toward transformalism(s): a poetics?

From Mallarmé to Bernstein and on, creative producers have for their own reasons sought to terrestrialise the <<blancs>> of the page. Exploring spatiality, this paper takes its cue from T.S. Eliot’s concluding remarks in ‘Reflections on Vers Libre’: ‘there is only good verse, bad verse, and chaos’ (Eliot 1965: 189). Eliot’s final clause—chaos—is mobilised here as generative and excursive, a strategy which can open heterotopic sites to problematise the horizontality of the poetic line.