Stephen Muecke is Professor of Writing at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Recent books include Butcher joe, Documenta 13: 100 Notizen-100 Gedanken English/German, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern, 2011, and with Max Pam, photographer, Contingency in Madagascar Intellect Books, 2012.

The Multiple Storm

The passage of Cyclone Bingiza through the Indian Ocean is a pretext for reflection on practices of judgment, including creative judgment. Judgment is a way of ‘getting a perspective’ and yet it also may come as a flash in creative work. The sudden irruption of strangeness happens as one register of the real is illuminated by a sudden visitation. If one abandons ‘perspectivism’ in a world seen as swirling with multiple realities, then one comes a step closer to being able to write with those realities on their terms, as opposed to about them across a culture/nature divide.