To make a general submission to Axon: Creative Explorations please go to the Submission Manager. Click on guidelines and log in to make a submission.

The current calls for papers are for: 

Axon 2024–25.1: Creative Writing, Place and History: relationships and connections.

We invite 150-word abstracts for proposed articles related to the relationships and connections between Creative Writing, Place and History, which might include topics such as:
—Poetry and place
—Poetry and history
—Genius Loci as a concept
—Creative writing and the factual
—Writing about ‘what actually happened’
—Recreating histories
—The relationship between truth, facts and invention
—Visiting writing locations
—Understanding the ‘other’ in other places
—The creative use of documentary resources
—Biography and creativity

Abstracts for articles on other related topics are also welcome. All abstracts should be submitted by 30 APRIL 2024.

Please go to the Submission Manager and click on guidelines. Log in to make a submission.

Futher information for authors

Peer review

Articles, essays, papers and other scholarly contributions are peer reviewed. The reviewing process is double blind, so that neither author(s) nor reviewers should know of the others’ identities at any time.

In producing a research-based paper, authors should be drawing on a sound framework of scholarship relevant to the paper’s topic, rather than purely on personal experience and/or anecdotal evidence, although some personal and/or anecdotal material is a legitimate part of many good papers. Papers are expected to make a contribution that extends the current literature in the field.

Authors are welcome to take a creative or lateral approach to their topic, or to mix more than one genre of writing, or to incorporate images or other graphic work. Final revised articles, papers, essay and interviews (including endnotes) will be a maximum of 6,000 words in length.

The journal does not, as a rule, publish short fiction or excerpts from longer fictional works, but creative work other than poems will be accepted for refereeing if they make a distinctive contribution to knowledge that extends the current scholarly literature in the field and are accompanied by a short contextual statement (250-500 words) for publication. The statement should indicate the research significance of the creative piece and will draw on a sound framework of methodology and scholarship relevant to the work’s topic.

All poetry published in Axon will be solicited by the journal’s editors.
Unsolicited contributions of poetry will not be read or acknowledged

All papers and other contributions to Axon: Creative Explorations will be vetted for final acceptance by the journal’s editors. If you are unfamiliar with the kind and quality of contributions, including the scholarly standards of papers, published in the journal, please read recent issues.

Referencing style

  • Author-date system in-text, with a listing of works cited
  • Endnotes, not footnotes (please use minimally and include in word count)


DeLillo, D 2001 The body artist, London: Picador

Book chapters
Woods, C 2006 ‘Writing, textual culture and the humanities’, in N Krauth and T Brady (eds) Creative writing: theory beyond practice, Teneriffe: Post Pressed, 121-135

Print journal article
Eickelkamp, U 2010 ‘Children and youth in Aboriginal Australia: an overview of the literature’, Anthropological Forum 20: 2, 147-66

Magazine article
DeLillo, D 2001 ‘In the ruins of the future’, Harper’s magazine, December, 33-40

Online sources
Krauth, N 2002 ‘The preface as exegesis’ TEXT 6: 1, at (accessed 12 March 2011)

Kulikowski, M 2007 ‘Mayday 23: world population becomes more urban than rural’, NC State University News Services, 22 May, at (accessed 9 September 2011)

Kroll J 2004 ‘The exegesis and the gentle reader/writer’ TEXT Special Issue Website Series No 3, at (accessed 10 July 2011)

McEwan, I 2001 ‘Only love and then oblivion’, The Guardian special report: terrorism in the US, at, 15 September (accessed 17 September 2011)

Zizek, S 2001 ‘Welcome to the desert of the real!’, 15 September (accessed 19 October 2011)

General formatting instructions

Please submit articles, essays and interviews as Word documents, adhering to the following detail. 

  • Front matter

University name
<One line break>
Author name
<One line break>
<One line break>
Abstract directly below
<One line break>
Biographical note:
Bio note immediately below
<One line break>
Words immediately below – initial caps, spaced en-dashes
<page break>

  • Body text

Endnote references set as superscript
Single quotation marks throughout except for quotations within quotations
Minimal capitalization
Indented quotes (3 lines or more)

  • End matter

Endnotes only

  • Works cited

Styled as detailed above